Personal Stories Anyone??

The most powerful story anyone can ever write about in their lives is their story of how God saved, forgave and transformed them... May I urge you, encourage you, and even nudge you if needed, to write out your own personal stories, email them to and we will help you get them posted up on this blog so that many may be blessed... Your story is God's story of your life!!! Blessings


Sherlene said...

on 24th Sept something happen to me and yet i actually don't want to tell the others. But after second thought, i decided to share.
on that day early morning(11am, Hehe), after i woke up i felt a very bad headache, this day i decided just to concentrate to study my Chemistry but why must my headache came on this day. So I just listen to Christian music and read Bible, without realised my headache suddenly disapear, after also my sister came back from music practice, she told me I will be part of the worship team which is I always wish to serve in the team, at that moment, I don't know why my tear just flow down.( that is a joy inside me, i just felt like jumping from 18 floor,haha)
That night before i sleep, i open my bible again. when I opening the bible, I just reminded that time while i reading and listening to the song in the afternoon my headache is gone, and sister came in with a good good news. I can't stop but just ponder upon God.(God is really Good, He help me always at the right timing!!!!)

Anonymous said...

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