The Reading Bus

What’s the Reading Bus?

The READING BUS is one of the community projects of Bethany Ministries. It is a mobile library programme, in which a rural village will be adopted for a period of three months and a team of 5 will be sent out to the village every forthnightly over the weekends to help set up a library in the village. To see this being achieved the team will run several delayed education, reading intervention and motivational programmes alongside the Alpha Course which will be conducted during the nights.

Goals & Objectives

  • To provide reading opportunities for rural children and teenagers
  • To initiate a feasible, easily available and manageable mobile library programme for the villages
  • To provide avenues for urban teenagers to give by teaching and conducting elementary English reading programmes
  • To help elevate reading interest amongst children and teenagers in the village
  • To train a minimum of 2  volunteers to carry on the library program after 3 months
  • To set up a permanent library in the village with sufficient numbers of books to ensure continuity

The Reading Bus Programme’s Schedule




0900 - 1700

Library Programme

  • Library chest
  • Children & elementary English language books
  • Library cards
  • Library books index

1000 - 1100

Sticker Book Programme

  • Sticker Books
  • (Titles include: Animals, Around the House, Colours, Mix & Match, Nature, Numbers, Patterns, Shapes, Sizes, Time and Words)

1100 - 1200

“Most Important Story Ever Told” Lesson

  • “Most Important Story Ever Told” Booklets
  • Worksheets

1500 - 1700

Key Words with Ladybird Reading Competition

  • Ladybird Books
  • Marking Schedules
  • Progress Chart
  • Assessors










Our Stories

image“I was overwhelmed by the turnout of the children. On the first trip  we had 35 children and by the second trip, it shot up to 45. As I observed and spoke to the children, I realised that many had dreams, BIG dreams which they never really thought could ever come to reality. One even said that he dreams to be an architect in London.

The Reading Bus was causing a chain reaction, as they saw us and talked to us about our own dreams and how God has been a Great Provider to us, they began to realise that nothing was impossible.“ - Natasha Binya Nanta
Note: Natasha is now studying social work at Curtin University in Perth, Australia.

image “I enjoyed working together in a team of many different races and ethnicities. The time spent in preparation was really beneficial to me as I learnt several new things along the way. I was greatly blessed and encouraged as I taught the children because they  were so willing to listen and to learn from me. It was a great pleasure just seeing them smile and recite words from the sticker books.  As I was teaching them, I was wonderfully reminded that we learn, mature and change everyday.”  - Stanley Okonkwo
Note: Stanley will soon be in London to complete his degree in Electronic Engineering.

image “I am truly grateful for the privilege to be on the Reading Bus trip not long ago. It is so encouraging to see the humility of young people from Bethany as they served God by meeting the needs of the villagers and their children in particular.At the beginning of the trip, I was expecting to only share with the villagers, but it turned out to be a total different thing because I was more blessed and encouraged than them. Another thing that touched me was when I saw how the youths in the village were willingly teaching the younger ones, and finally hearing the testimonies from the team members after the trip, made the entire trip so memorable for me.” – Eugene Tan
Note: Eugene Tan is currently doing his 3rd year in medical school in Kursk, Russia and continues to serve actively in his church.


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