Bible Camp

This year’s bible camp was held in the breathtaking Goshen Farm. This camp was a blessing in many ways. We reaped from bountiful harvest of durians and rambutans besides learning about the very important Spiritual Discipline which was our theme this year. Although this camp was about learning and no doubt we learnt a lot, we also did not miss the opportunity to have fun.
Besides the camp, we also had hands on exposure to missions when a group was sent to a village for a day. The group planned their own activities and came back many memories and stories to share. Well pictures speak louder than words so WALLA.........
The group of 2011 Bible Camp members

Learning how to be spritually disciplined

Group discussions and sharing time

Morning devotion

Discussion on Sunday's group performance

It's game time......

Bringing back some juicy rambutans from the farm

The mission team

Quiz competition with the children

Bonding with the children